Chinese has to Blamed on “Fallen Angel” Goes Viral?

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Photo of a “fallen holy messenger” turned into a web sensation in Facebook.

A human like “Angel” has fallen out of the skies over London. The extremely human like creature with what seems to be “angel” wings as arms appears to have fallen from the sky at around 1:50pm this afternoon.

The “Blessed messenger or fallen angel” like creature was immediately rushed away by what appeared to be covert cops wearing suits and shades, taking after the characters in the hit motion picture Men in Black.

It comes hours before NASA declared discovering ‘Earth 2.0′ the most livable planet ever found.

But according to “boredpanda” this terrifying Hyper-Realistic Sculpture Of A Fallen Angel is a work of a Chinese artist duo.

Beijing artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu have been known to create installations utilizing genuine dead bodies or human fat tissue, and however their most up to date creation does not include these shocking parts, it’s so realistic and unsettling that it might as well.

This realistic sculpture, titled “Angel,” depicts a fallen angel in the form of an old woman, her wings devoid of feathers, that seems to be sleeping or perhaps dead. It was made from silica gel, fibreglass, stainless steel, and woven mesh.

Photo Credit to Sun Yuan and Peng Yu

The artist statement on their website cryptically reveals the project’s purpose: highlighting the tension and transition between the supernatural and the mundane. The angel, a transcendent being, has become powerless, unable to carry out God’s will, or to help those who believe in its existence.
According to biblical sources, Cherubim and Seraphim are the only types of angels that have wings (Exodus 25:20, Ezekiel 10, Isaiah 6). Hebrews 1:14 describes angels simply as spiritual beings; therefore, it is most correct to say that only some angels are winged.



Photo Credit to Sun Yuan and Peng Yu
By: Jason E.

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